In order for tutors to be truly effective, they must be senstitive to the child's feelings and be naturally inclined to communicate in a positive light. Gina's strong points are her nature. She has inherent traits of patience and sensitivity. She is truly pleasant to work with.
Gina's method of teaching reading is logical, quickly helps children become confident readers, and is easy to support at home. It is simply the best that any of my children have used.
- KW
I like that you help me improve.
I have been getting better scores, and it is getting easier to understand.
Your tutoring is fun, I get treated nice, and I learn.
We are very grateful for your time, patience and expertise in dealingwith our son.
He went from the "challenged"reading group to mainstream in just a few months of tutoring. His grades all went up and the teacher was very pleased with his progress. Thank you for guiding him (and us) because we would not have been able to do it ourselves.
-J&T G